Insurance Claims

Insurance Claims

We are certified to help with insurance claims and emergency roof repairs.

Insurance work? No problem…  We are experienced in handling any insurance issues that may arise. Insurance claims can be very confusing and that is why we are the experts. We will meet with your adjuster and coordinate on your behalf with the insurance company to make sure that everything is correct and your claim is being processed with everything you’re entitled to.

tile roof repair oakland park florida
insurance claims
Schedule your roof repairs today. Don't wait. When a large storm hits, it creates millions of dollars of damage, and contractor schedules will be extremely delayed. It may take 2-6 months to get a roof replaced. Insurance companies must inspect the roof for damage and then you are placed on the schedule for any repairs or replacement.
Another delay is that the insurance companies are more delayed as a result of a storm. Adjusters can only inspect so many properties a day. Insurance companies will then bring in out of state adjuster to handle the excess claims. Then the main offices have to do the adjustment and pay the claim. More Delays!
The other issue in the non-storm season is that there is plenty of material available. When storms hit the materials are purchased and then the manufacturers get backed up with orders. Thus causing the same delays. Even if we want to start the roof work we can't because we have no materials to work with. The material will sometimes go up in price creating more cash out of pocket to complete the work.

LET’S WORK TOGETHER[email protected]

Mon - Fri 6:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Sat & Sun: By Appointment Only
721 NE 42nd Street,
Oakland Park FL, 33334
CCC 1328984
CGC 1505741

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